Continuing with the theme of social networking...
One of the main selling points for a social networking site is that it's easy. Easy to sign up, easy to navigate and easy to connect with people.
Could it all be just a little too easy?
See somebody you find attractive on the subway? Instead of approaching them and striking up a conversation, just post on craigslist missed connections. How about eHarmony? Fill out an online questionnaire (be warned, I hear they take a while) and have a computer spit out "matches" for you to consider. Takes all the guesswork out of dating, doesn't it? (Well, not all. But at the least the part where you actually find the dates.)
Facebook, myspace, Hi5, Tagged... the list goes on for networking sites that help you reconnect with the classmates, colleagues, etc. of your past. I have better relationships with some of my relatives through facebook than I have with them in real life.
Social networking sites make it so easy to connect, reconnect and communicate with those we know, once knew or would like to know in the future.
It's a way of being connected to the world outside without actually going outside.
Something a little different: I'm sure most people are familiar with the Dentyne Ice "make face time" ads. The ads encourage people to spend less time in the online world and more time in the real world. Pretty simple, and yet genius at the same time. Especially their new website that expires after 3 minutes, which they say gives you just enough time "to browse every link, but not a second more." I almost wish Facebook had an application for that...