Well, the day has finally arrived.
My mom has facebook.
I thought that since we had come this far and she had yet to figure out how to sign up, I was free and clear. I thought wrong. Despite my many refusals to help her, she has figured it out all on her own.
And is now adding my friends.
Since I have yet to accept her request, she hasn't seen my profile. It's locked down, and not because of its content; I just don't feel the need to allow just any random stranger access to my information and photos.
So why haven't I accepted her request? It's simple: my mother doesn't need to be privy to every detail of my life. When I go home for the weekend, I would like to give her the highlights and have it be brand new information, not something she read on her mini-feed days ago.
Some of you may feel this is being a little harsh to the woman who brought me into this world. But what can I say? I just don't feel the need to fully bring her into my world. Maybe it's because I don't think of her as being up to speed on everything technology related (my parents still believe my hotmail account is taking up space on their personal computer, and tell me to delete my emails to make it run faster. Seriously.)
To all my facebook friends: if you receive a request from my mom, please, whatever you do - do not confirm.
My aunt has Facebook and I think it is her way to keep in touch with her son because his wife updates her status, like, every 3 hours. She's got a child a home.