Monday, March 30, 2009
Does anybody have ice? The ground is swelling again.
Look over there! Quick!
Did you see that?
Did you see the groundswell?
Ok, well you probably didn't really see it, because groundswell is actually "a social trend in which people use technologies to get the things they need from each other, rather than from traditional institutions like corporations", according to Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff.
So, why is groundswell so important? With the rise of RSS feeds and social bookmarking sites like Delicious, Digg, StumbleUpon and such, it is easier than ever for people to converse, share information and opinions and ask questions. People are getting information faster and from a larger number of sources. This means that the good news about a company will travel, but the bad news will probably travel faster. And to more people.
Companies can no longer ignore groundswell (at least, if they want to be successful). It isn't going to go away (I'm sure that's what these algorithms indicate, if I could understand them. Math was never my thing), so it's time for companies to discover how to use it to their best advantage.
Essentially, it should be about "listening to, talking with, energising, supporting and embracing your customers and community", like Australian telecommunications and media company Telstra is doing with Now We Are Talking, which listens to the issues and concerns of their customers.
Now, if it takes those issues and concerns into consideration and offers solutions, it will really be adapting to groundswell.
Another useful way for companies to use these sites? Brand monitoring. Whether good or bad, people are likely to talk about your company, product or service. These sites allow a candid look at what customers are saying and sharing with the world, something that would be difficult to get through other approaches like surveys, focus groups, etc.
Where should a company start? Marketing Pilgrim suggests several tools, including using Username Check to prevent "brand-jacking" - a someone hijacking your brand for their username and, potentially, damaging your reputation.
There are other sites that can be used to monitor the social conversation: Facebook Lexicon, which allows the user to see how often a keyword is mentioned on Facebook walls; BackType, which monitors comments left about a brand; and of course, Twitter helps by monitoring the brand and offers RSS feeds and emails through TweetBeep.
The list of social media monitoring tools available to companies is large and growing every day. Some are more useful/applicable than others, but using these tools is becoming more and more important for companies that wish to maintain long-term success. The only difficulty is determining which tool is best for the job.
Let's Get Ethical.

Because, really, is spending the majority of your day updating your status or perusing the profile of that friend's brother's girlfriend's second cousin's best friend productive at all?
But what if a company wants to use a social media tool as an outlet for PR?
Hello, double standard. I'd like to introduce you to my good friend business ethics. Business ethics, meet double standard. Be careful around him though, he's a little two-faced.
Is it a double standard for a company to restrict an emplyee's access to social media sites, and yet allow its PR department to use them as a resource? What if the employee was using the site to promote the company/service/product? What if they were only accessing the site during their lunch break? Is it ethical to determine what an employee can or cannot do during that time?
It's clear that, ethical or not, some companies will continue to firewall sites that they consider "time wasters" while others will trust the judgement of their staff to use these sites appropriately. I think one thing everyone will agree on, though, is that viewing Cookie Monster Sings Chocolate Rain even once is unethical.
double standard,
social media sites,
Friday, March 27, 2009
What's your flavour?

Let’s play some word association. What do you think of when I say: Angry Ranch? Cheesy Enchilada? Secret Pepper? Chipacabra? Scream Cheese?
Pretty soon one of these names will make you think of Doritos. That’s because they’ve developed a campaign called Doritos Guru where consumers name their newest flavour. They also produce a 30-second commercial to promote the new flavour.
So, what makes this campaign different from, say, designing a new box of Smarties? It uses social media marketing techniques to promote, monitor and determine the winner of the contest.
By pairing up with both Facebook and YouTube, Doritos has made it incredibly easy to enter. Guru-hopefuls can upload their commercial via any of these three sites and enter the contest. Because the sites mirror one another, an entry uploaded via Facebook can also be seen on the Doritos site.
Another great social media aspect of this campaign? It utilizes Facebook Connect, a platform that synchs up your Facebook profile with a profile you create on the Doritos Guru website that allows you to vote, comment and submit videos. Not only is Doritos getting great exposure through Facebook, they're also encouraging more people to create a Doritos Guru profile, giving them a quick and easy way to track traffic flow on their site.
Pretty soon one of these names will make you think of Doritos. That’s because they’ve developed a campaign called Doritos Guru where consumers name their newest flavour. They also produce a 30-second commercial to promote the new flavour.
So, what makes this campaign different from, say, designing a new box of Smarties? It uses social media marketing techniques to promote, monitor and determine the winner of the contest.
By pairing up with both Facebook and YouTube, Doritos has made it incredibly easy to enter. Guru-hopefuls can upload their commercial via any of these three sites and enter the contest. Because the sites mirror one another, an entry uploaded via Facebook can also be seen on the Doritos site.
Another great social media aspect of this campaign? It utilizes Facebook Connect, a platform that synchs up your Facebook profile with a profile you create on the Doritos Guru website that allows you to vote, comment and submit videos. Not only is Doritos getting great exposure through Facebook, they're also encouraging more people to create a Doritos Guru profile, giving them a quick and easy way to track traffic flow on their site.
Using social media sites already in existence, like Facebook, is only helping the Doritos Guru campaign. These sites already target their audience, are widely recognized and are easy to use. The Doritos Guru campaign automatically earns credibility by using these established social media sites. Of course, adding weekly and daily prizes for registered users doesn't hurt, either.
Has all this talk about chips made anyone else hungry? Pass the Doritos, please.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Tweetest Thing

The unannounced hiatus this blog has taken is a result of me actually (oh no, don't say it) living in the real world. Yep, in the last few weeks the scales were tipped quite heavily in favour of socializing, instead of participating in social media.
But not to worry, I wasn't completely out of the social media loop during that time. I managed to record a podcast (my first ever) with some classmates. We interviewed Martin Waxman , president and co-owner of Palette PR in downtown Toronto. He gave us some insightful answers to our Twitter-related questions. Listen to the podcast, or visit Martin's Twittionary for a useful glossary of all things Twitter.
Now, I'm not currently a user of Twitter, although Martin's enthusiasm for the tool almost has me convinced. Almost. I'm still getting over (what I think) is the slightly narcisisstic aspect of it. Everytime I seriously consider joining, I think about that Greek mythological hero and envision my own death by self-obsession. How many Tweeters (see, the Twittionary is useful!) are currently sitting, frozen to their screens, awaiting status updates, replies and retweets?
Ladies and gentlemen, that's what is commonly referred to as "Tweetaholism". While there is no ten-step program (that I know of), the road to recovery is easy and quick:
Step One - back away from the computer. Slowly, now.
Step Two - open the door. See that? It's called sunshine. It's ok, your eyes will only burn for a minute.
Step Three - take a deep breath. That's what I like to call fresh air.
Step Four - live! Welcome back.
I'm still finding this balancing act of socializing and social media rather precarious. I think joining Twitter might just tip the scales. Any Tweeters (or recovering Tweetaholics) care to weigh in on the issue?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
What's in a name?

Are you LinkedIn? No?
Well if you Care2, Gather up your stuff and come on over to myspace to see what’s up; we’ll chat over dinner. I promise you it will be!
Ok, so maybe the only thing I know how to make is mac & cheese in the microwave but I’m sure together we can StumbleUpon something else. Wiki! Wait, what’s that mean?
It’s, like, slang dude. You Digg? Whatever, I’m just Twitter-ing on about nothing, trying to get a Ryze out of you. But since you’re here, I’ve got a book I want to loan you; I Reddit, and I think you’ll love it too.
Books. You remember books right? No, not that kind of book.
Who names these social networking sites anyways? I guess they’re catchy and all, but really? Bebo? Xanga? And, more importantly, what is with the complete disregard for spelling and punctuation when choosing a name? What are we teaching our children?
Maybe that’s just my English Literature background coming back to haunt me. But I have to wonder, would a social networking site by any other name still be as connected?
What do you think? You’ve been Tagged, so you’re it!
Can I get a Hi5 for that one?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Brand Who?

One of the most popular topics in all of my classes is branding.
Personal branding, that is.
My instructors encourage us to develop our own personal brand, something we can use to "sell" ourselves at a job interview. They call it "Brand You" and we're supposedly putting it out there each and every time we participate in social media.
My struggle is this: if I don't even know what my personal brand is in real life, how can I know what brand I'm leaving behind in the virtual world?
When a company decides on a brand, presumably they do some research. What is their target audience? How do they want to appear to that audience? What's the best way to reach them?
So for me, it breaks down like this: what is my target audience? (potential employers) How do I want to appear to that audience? (smart, reliable, etc.) What's the best way to reach them? (good question. If I had the answer to that, I probably wouldn't be writing this entry)
Some of my classmates are on Twitter (all the time, but that's another post). They're putting their personal brand out there via status updates, reaching potential employers and clients alike. For me, that just doesn't seem like the way I want to get my brand out there.
And just what is that brand?
When I figure it out, I'll let you know...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
This is no (your mom) joke.

Well, the day has finally arrived.
My mom has facebook.
I thought that since we had come this far and she had yet to figure out how to sign up, I was free and clear. I thought wrong. Despite my many refusals to help her, she has figured it out all on her own.
And is now adding my friends.
Since I have yet to accept her request, she hasn't seen my profile. It's locked down, and not because of its content; I just don't feel the need to allow just any random stranger access to my information and photos.
So why haven't I accepted her request? It's simple: my mother doesn't need to be privy to every detail of my life. When I go home for the weekend, I would like to give her the highlights and have it be brand new information, not something she read on her mini-feed days ago.
Some of you may feel this is being a little harsh to the woman who brought me into this world. But what can I say? I just don't feel the need to fully bring her into my world. Maybe it's because I don't think of her as being up to speed on everything technology related (my parents still believe my hotmail account is taking up space on their personal computer, and tell me to delete my emails to make it run faster. Seriously.)
To all my facebook friends: if you receive a request from my mom, please, whatever you do - do not confirm.
Friday, January 30, 2009
How To Be Social(ly Inept)

Continuing with the theme of social networking...
One of the main selling points for a social networking site is that it's easy. Easy to sign up, easy to navigate and easy to connect with people.
Could it all be just a little too easy?
See somebody you find attractive on the subway? Instead of approaching them and striking up a conversation, just post on craigslist missed connections. How about eHarmony? Fill out an online questionnaire (be warned, I hear they take a while) and have a computer spit out "matches" for you to consider. Takes all the guesswork out of dating, doesn't it? (Well, not all. But at the least the part where you actually find the dates.)
Facebook, myspace, Hi5, Tagged... the list goes on for networking sites that help you reconnect with the classmates, colleagues, etc. of your past. I have better relationships with some of my relatives through facebook than I have with them in real life.
Social networking sites make it so easy to connect, reconnect and communicate with those we know, once knew or would like to know in the future.
It's a way of being connected to the world outside without actually going outside.
Something a little different: I'm sure most people are familiar with the Dentyne Ice "make face time" ads. The ads encourage people to spend less time in the online world and more time in the real world. Pretty simple, and yet genius at the same time. Especially their new website that expires after 3 minutes, which they say gives you just enough time "to browse every link, but not a second more." I almost wish Facebook had an application for that...
easy button,
face time,
social networking
Friday, January 23, 2009

Social networking sites boast an easy and efficient way to update many people at one time about your life. However, reading an article about a woman murdered for her Facebook status, gives me more than a moment’s pause – and it should.
I have never included my relationship status as a part of my profile. Why? The way I see it, anyone important enough in my life will likely know my status already (if you don’t and you’re reading this, well, that probably tells you something). It also saves me from all those awkward “what happened?” wall posts that inevitably come when you go from “in a relationship” to the dreaded “single.” Your status might as well read: “single and looking, with absolutely no standards.”
Some things, like a lack of standards, are just meant to be private.
An excellent example: my sister is an intermittent Facebook user (i.e. her profile exists, then all of a sudden it’s gone, only to return again two weeks later. Lather, rinse, repeat.) Upon one of her forays back into the Facebook world her status changed to single and she was met with all those awkward wall posts. And why? Because, as humans, we’re inherently nosy creatures. We have to be all up in each other’s business because we’re sure everyone else’s life is more exciting, more scandalous than our own.
It’s this mentality that social networking sites thrive on. Think about it… how much time have you spent scrolling through other people’s photo albums, reading their witty captions and envying them for their rock star lifestyle? We all do it. Yes, even you. The sad thing is, it’s like a train wreck – you don’t want to look but you just can’t help yourself.
The challenge is, of course, finding that balance between living vicariously through others and actually living.
I have never included my relationship status as a part of my profile. Why? The way I see it, anyone important enough in my life will likely know my status already (if you don’t and you’re reading this, well, that probably tells you something). It also saves me from all those awkward “what happened?” wall posts that inevitably come when you go from “in a relationship” to the dreaded “single.” Your status might as well read: “single and looking, with absolutely no standards.”
Some things, like a lack of standards, are just meant to be private.
An excellent example: my sister is an intermittent Facebook user (i.e. her profile exists, then all of a sudden it’s gone, only to return again two weeks later. Lather, rinse, repeat.) Upon one of her forays back into the Facebook world her status changed to single and she was met with all those awkward wall posts. And why? Because, as humans, we’re inherently nosy creatures. We have to be all up in each other’s business because we’re sure everyone else’s life is more exciting, more scandalous than our own.
It’s this mentality that social networking sites thrive on. Think about it… how much time have you spent scrolling through other people’s photo albums, reading their witty captions and envying them for their rock star lifestyle? We all do it. Yes, even you. The sad thing is, it’s like a train wreck – you don’t want to look but you just can’t help yourself.
The challenge is, of course, finding that balance between living vicariously through others and actually living.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A welcome, of sorts
Up until about four months ago, I don't think I ever used the words social and media together in a sentence. Sure, I knew what facebook was, I had a profile. I had myspace. Hi5? Yep, once upon a time I had that too. I was familiar with youtube; I think I had heard the word flickr mentioned before. But the term social media was pretty new.
It's now become a term my fellow students and I know, love and use on a regular basis. It's one of the driving forces of our studies right now.
But how and when to use such a far-reaching tool? Ah, this is now the challenge. How to harness the great potential of social media and use it best, without over-doing it? When should we just revert back to the ol' tried-and-true methods of socializing?
That's what this blog is here for. To experiment with various forms of social media, determine what works and what doesn't and maybe even clear up a few misconceptions along the way. Yes, I'm going to attempt to untangle this web called social media. This is purely experimental and, like every good experiment, it will come with a lot of trial and error.
Here we go. No instruction manuals, no prior experience and, most importantly, no safety equipment.
It's now become a term my fellow students and I know, love and use on a regular basis. It's one of the driving forces of our studies right now.
But how and when to use such a far-reaching tool? Ah, this is now the challenge. How to harness the great potential of social media and use it best, without over-doing it? When should we just revert back to the ol' tried-and-true methods of socializing?
That's what this blog is here for. To experiment with various forms of social media, determine what works and what doesn't and maybe even clear up a few misconceptions along the way. Yes, I'm going to attempt to untangle this web called social media. This is purely experimental and, like every good experiment, it will come with a lot of trial and error.
Here we go. No instruction manuals, no prior experience and, most importantly, no safety equipment.
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